Units and Dimension - imustudy

Units and Dimensions play very important role in calculation, especially in Maths and Science. Here are some quick references to the units and dimensions

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Systems of Units


Base quantity Dimensional symbol
Length L
Mass M
Time T
Electric current I or A
Temperature  or K
Luminous Intensity Φ
Amount of substance mol

SI Units

Quantity Name of the unit Symbol
Length Metre m
Mass Kilogram Kg
Time Second s
Electric current Ampere A
Temperature Kelvin K
Amount of substance Mole mol
Luminous intensity Candela cd
Plane angle Radian rad
Solid angle Steradian Sr

Multiplication Factors of units

Multiplication factor Name Symbol
10 Deca da
10 2 hecta h
10 3 Kilo K
10 6 Mega M
10 9 Giga G
10 12 Tera T
10 15 Peta P
10 18 Exa E

Sub Multiplication Factors Of Units:

Multiplication factor Name Symbol
10 -1 Deci d
10 -2 centi c
10 -3 milli m
10 -6 Micro μ
10 -9 nano n
10 -12 Pico P
10 -15 femto f
10 -18 atto a

Dimensional Equation Of Units

Physical quantity Unit Dimensional formula
Distance m M0L1T0
Displacement m M0L1T0
Speed ms-1 M0L1T-1
Velocity ms-1 M0L1T-1
Acceleration ms-2 M0L1T-2
Momentum kgms-1 M1L1T-1
Impulse kgms-1 M1L1T-1
Force kgms-2 M1L1T-2
Work kgm2s-2 M1L2T-2
Energy kgm2s-2 M1L2T-2
Area m2 M0L2T0
Volume m3 M0L3T0
Density kgm-3 M1L-3T0
Pressure kgm-1s-2 M1L-1T-2
Select your currency
AED United Arab Emirates dirham