All parents want their children to get best education and for that they are ready to pay hefty fee. However, what parents lack is time.
What should I study today?
Children, on the other hands, are confused to find the answer to ‘What should I study today?’ Beyond class work and home work, students need to do a lot of self-study to keep themselves ahead of the curve. But again, the question remains as it is ‘what should I study today?’
We all know the importance of regular study, daily practice of subject, consistent focus on assignments but the students have to deal with the dilemma ‘What should I study today?’
Imustudy (I must study) is an effort to find answer to the perennial question faced by the learners ‘What should I study today?’


Imustudy has been started to ensure that the students study and learn continually at an easy pace without too much pressure. At the same time being continual in studies ensure that the learning process goes on unhindered.
We assign mentors to the students, who take ownership of the process from developing content to evaluating students and providing them feedback, which help students remain on the track of continual growth.
We have also observed that small span of attention brings better learning and hence have divided whole course into smaller quanta of learning modules.
We divide whole year course into smaller modules. Each module is followed by an assignment. The duration of a module completion is 15 days. Within 15 days, students have to study the course material and finish their assignment.
Then the student moves over to the next module.
15 days course content help students maintain focus and assignment will help then study regularly and with intent.
Every 15 days, we publish a new module with new set of chapters covered. Each module has contents from 5 subjects, called units.
Each unit is succeeded by a set of practice questions followed by assignments.
Each assignment has to be completed before new content is published. Assignments have to be submitted for perusal by the mentors.
Mentors provide their feedback, not just copy correction. The feedback will help child grow beyond his or her known capability.
Confident child is an outcome of this process and we look forward to assist in the making of such confident children.
Mentoring the Minds
We believe that students need teachers but more than that, they need to be mentored. They need to be shown the right direction and guided through the path.
We, as adults, remember those teachers, who went beyond their call of duty to mentor us.
We assign mentors to the students, who help them improve.
Constructive Evaluation
Generally, when an assignment is reviewed by the teacher, students get to know whether the answers are right or not. However, we strive not to review but to evaluate. Mentors will not only provide feedback suggesting whether the answers are right or wrong but also tell students how their answers could have been better.
We firmly believe that every answer, right or wrong, has scope of improvement. Our mentors provide constructive evaluation to the children helping them improve
Comparison beyond classmates
A student gets compared to his/her classmates when exams are conducted in the school. However more often than not, comparison is limited to those in the same section. Sometimes students get compared with students in the school but never beyond, till they reach board examination.
Our methodology of test help students compares them selves with students across schools, giving them opportunity to inculcate positive competitive spirit and identifying areas of improvement